Terms and Conditions
Please review these the T&C's, to ensure you are in agreement with them in there entirity, and you acknowledge that you are bound by them by acting to both indicate acceptance and electronically signing once your registration has been approved, and before you make financial commitment to One Health College.
Our commitment to you:
1. We commit to providing tools and techniques, with aim to action of benefit both parties
2. We commit to act with integrity, openness and honesty in all we do and communicate to you.
3. We commit to always provide you full disclosure of any fees or charges in advance.
4. We commit to you that our training programs will assist to strategically shift your personal and/or professional life towards your vision and goals
5. We commit to the energy of success, in maintaining our own personal and professional lifes to best of ones abiulitite to always show up when expected.
Your Commitment to us;
1. I commit to practise and utilise the tools and techniques to be of benefit to myself and others
2. I commit to working with my trainer/tutor for the duration of the program
3. I understand that it is my action that determines the my personal gain and a failure to take suggested or agreed actions jeopardises my future in the program.
4. I commit to a minimum of 24hrs notice to reschedule a 1 on 1 session, and if an agreeable alternative is not able to be reached that you may have to forfeit that session.
5. I commit to acting and communicating with openness, honesty and integrity.
6. I commit to both parties to work on the activites set for me to completion, and to always seek support from your group or tutor.
7. I commit to payment of my chosen course fee upfront or in agreed payment plan.
8. I am fully responsible for my actions and behaviours and will not act to deter others from there own personal development, by offering unsolicited advice.
9. I understand that for health related issues, advice of an Energy Healing educator does not replace sound advice from a trained medical professional. That Energy Medicine is an unregulated profession in our state and despite registration with legal associations being held by our trainers, it remains unregulated. We are bound to only provide training in all items that we are ourselves trained to do so.